A Heart and Mind Circle is an in-depth process of growth and spiritual formation for an individual or small community.

Community Quadrants
Quadratos Experiences: Heart and Mind Circle

Do you wish to re-discover Christianity’s ancient gold?

Would you like a tried and true process that awakens your unique authenticity in the presence of The Christos and then places that awakening in service of the human family?

Would you like to establish a diverse circle of soul friends, where all are truly welcome?

Or perhaps, you are looking for a way to establish or enliven a small community ‘house church.’ 

A Heart and Mind Circle is a two-year process of spiritual formation that uses the four gospels to support an individual’s journey through the four paths of transformation. One might also call this a rite of passage.

A Heart and Mind Circle:

  • Is a small circle of usually two to eight people, plus a convener.
  • Is an in-depth, sequenced, process of individual and communal growth and spiritual formation.
  • Is built upon two core practices that support equality and mutual respect while protecting and honoring a vital diversity; they are In Freedom & Safety and Welcome of The Other.
  • Uses The Four-Gospel Journey to support one’s passage from outer/external authorities to one’s own inner/authentic authority.

As each person in a Heart and Mind Circle is undertaking a personal journey of transformation, participants are usually named pilgrims.

The intent of a Heart and Mind Circle is to provide a 2 year rite of passage, facilitating spiritual formation for both an individual and small group. The process is based on a ‘here and now’ experience of The Christos and the four paths, in an environment that is free, safe and contemplative. So while the experience has elements of education and study, these are not its primary focus.

There are a growing number of online and in-person circles across the world. Some online circles are comprised of people who live near each other or who live in similar time zones, while others have members spread across the world. One circle has pilgrims from the UK and various U.S. States, all the way to Hawaii. Another circle has members across Australia and in China.

Whether together online or in-person, a Circle is (convened/facilitated) by someone who has completed preparation to take on this role. Whilst a convener has additional responsibilities, she/he also fully participates in the circle. Additionally, Conveners gather online once a month with Alexander John or another Quadratos Team Member for their own continuing formation, development and support.

A Heart and Mind: Convener Text contains the script for the entire process. The Text (some 295 plus pages with supplemental materials) provides both structure and directions, so that with desire and some preparation, a person may be at ease in the role of Convener.

To inquire about forming a circle and/or purchasing the Convener Text, contact Rosa.

To help Conveners prepare, we offer a series of free training videos, online mentoring with a Quadratos team member and a monthly (online) support gathering. These are offered at no additional cost.

A Heart and Mind Circle requires that every individual commits to the core foundational practices of In Freedom and Safety, Welcome of The Other and the Pilgrim Agreement.

Equally, a Heart and Mind Circle asks that each individual:

  • Be present during the weekly or bi-weekly gatherings.
  • Prepare for each gathering by reading the requested section of the hardcover book, Radical Transformation: The Four Gospel Journey of Heart and Mind.
  • Make a financial contribution to Quadratos LLC through Patreon for $39 per month for the length of your participation in a Heart and Mind Circle or a one time contribution of $799 by PayPal, credit card or personal check drawn from a U.S. bank, made before you begin your journey. Once we have received your initial financial contribution, a hardback copy of Radical Transformation will be sent to you. Sadly, if you live outside the continental U.S., payment is required for shipping the book.

A commonly expressed concern is “Do I have what it takes to participate in a Heart and Mind Circle?” This anxiety is natural and suggests that the journey being embarked upon is that of a true pilgrim; A pilgrim is an individual who walks an outer or inner sacred path with the purpose of finding more vitality in one’s interior life and ability to respond to one’s outer circumstances.

Moment by moment in each gathering, it is for you to discern how much and what to share, or even whether to share at all while practicing In Freedom and Safety and Welcome of The Other. The Convener will ensure that sharing does not veer from everyone’s stated intent to practice the holding of a safe and free space for self and others.

At the outset, you naturally may be concerned that you may not get along with the others, particularly if you have not met previously.

A Heart and Mind Circle recognizes that to create a group built both on individual authenticity and shared harmony is a new frontier in human history.

The practices of In Freedom and Safety, Welcome of The Other provide a foundation for respectful, non-judgmental relationships to develop. Each pilgrim undertakes their own journey of spiritual formation, witnessed, and held by others who are also undergoing their own journey. We do not engage in intellectual arguments during our gatherings. Rather we seek deep listening to one’s self and others.

In all areas of life, trust needs to be earned. A Heart and Mind Circle is no exception. During every gathering, you are responsible for discerning whether to respond to a question and which thoughts, feelings, or sensations to share. If a feeling of discomfort or excessive vulnerability develops, you are encouraged to pull-back and share less. As a sense of trust develops, you are encouraged to deepen your sharing and express your own authentic voice more fully.

People have said that they are both amazed and comforted by the speed at which trust develops and the freedom each feels to “be themselves” in the gatherings.

The gatherings have been carefully crafted by Alexander John Shaia and an international team of ministers and spiritual directors. The sequence is designed to provide a gradual and step by step process to ensure growth and transformation. Using the Four-Gospel Journey, the process steadily encourages you to move from listening primarily to external authorities, to discover and live from your own authentic internal authority.

Imagine ice-skating competition built on two differing performances. The skater must first demonstrate technical proficiency, known as one’s compulsory performance. Then that technical ability is woven into each skater’s creative expression known as ‘free-form.’  The skater’s technical ability evidenced in learning structure and discipline enables the skater to then perform in an original, creative, and authentic way.

The final gathering within each of the six Guides offers time for journaling, painting, drawing, collage, music, poetry – as a way to grasp and integrate the meaning/learnings for each pilgrim in a non-judgemental and creative way.

Every gathering includes several ritual elements or symbols which may initially be unfamiliar. Each symbol is intended to offer an opening for deeper awareness of self, others and the Divine.

You are invited to “give it a try” over the gatherings in Guide One. See how these elements feel to you, and what they may or may not mean to you.  As Guide One ends, then is the time to discern if you wish to continue to use these elements.

  1. Join a member from Team Quadratos and a small group of interested individuals by reserving your place in an online Information Session. Reserve Your Place »
  2. During the Information Session, a member of Team Quadratos will discuss the process of a Heart and Mind Circle, its two foundational practices – In Freedom and Safety & Welcome The Other – and will review the participant agreement (called a Pilgrim Agreement).
  3. Shortly after the Information Session, you will receive an email containing a link, so that you may download the Pilgrim Agreement and Rosa’s email address (the Quadratos Admin), so that you may contact her with any queries.
  1. State your desire to participate during the Information Session or by emailing Rosa after the session. You will be connected with a specific Convener and provided with details of when the circle will initially meet to determine the day of the week and time of the Gatherings. Or if a Convener is not available yet, your name will be placed on a short waitlist.
  2. Once connected to a specific Convener and a day and time for the Circle to meet have been agreed upon, please sign the Pilgrim Agreement in duplicate. Next, scan or email a copy to your Circle’s Convener and keep a copy for yourself. A signed agreement is a requirement for Circle participation.
  3. Make your initial financial contribution in one of two ways. (See the above section: “What Does a Heart and Mind Circle Ask of Me?”)
  4. Once your signed Pilgrim Agreement and initial financial contribution are received we will send you a hardback copy of Radical Transformation and a set of Quadratos bookmarks to support you on the journey.

No. A Heart and Mind Circle allows for a gradual reading of the book and internalizing of the journey as you progress through the four paths.


Speak with one of our team and ask about joining a Circle.

As part of a Heart and Mind Circle, you receive:

  • Participation in a Circle
  • The book: Radical Transformation
  • Set of 5 Quadratos bookmarks
  • Weekly email with Alexander John’s translation of that week’s Gospel passage
  • Link to the Wednesday live prayer and Its recording
Radical Transformation: The Four-Gospel Journey of Heart and Mind by Alexander John Shaia
Bookmarks Set

Your contribution includes shipping if you live in the continental USA.

Contribute Monthly

Sign up for a monthly contribution of $39 (US). Select the option listed as In-Depth Heart and Mind Circle. Provide your payment information, mailing address and phone number.

Contribute All at Once

Contribute the entire amount before you begin; savings of approximately $140.