An intentional rite of passage with mentor and wisdom teacher, Alexander John Shaia.

Community Quadrants
Quadratos Experiences: Pilgrimage

Engage in time-honored practices for transformation:

  • Be present with yourself
  • Develop mindfulness
  • Experience Quadratos’ four paths
  • Discover a harmony beyond the tension of opposites
  • Receive support from your ancestors and the saints
  • Share with a small intentional community
  • Touch the spirit of pilgrims across millennia
  • Renew your vital center
  • Prepare for the return home


Alexander John is taking 2025 to complete two new books. He looks to resume mentoring small groups of pilgrims again in 2026.

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If you would like to bring this Easter Retreat to your area of the world, we would love to hear from you.

Walking the Camino with Alexander John

The Deconstructionists

The Deconstructionists Podcast

Get a sense of the power and meaning behind the Camino.

The Camino Podcast

The Camino Podcast

Alexander John offers practical advice alongside his own story, to help guide pilgrims through each part of the process of returning from the Camino.

Alexander John in conversation with Leigh Brennan about his book, Returning from Camino.