Greetings on 5th Night-Dawn-Day of Christmas.
On 5th Day — we celebrate “The Fool.”
In no way do I advocate the literal action seen in this picture. Today is not a day to be physically foolish. However, as an internal truth — this picture holds wise counsel for the creative & birthing process.
Remember: each of the 13 Days of Christmas is a celebration of a necessary ingredient for an inner sacred birth — an inner vitality that as Christians we call the Life of The Christ.
In the Celtic cycle, 5th Day celebrates the “fool” — the wise counsel that says new birth comes from practicing reversals or “thinking outside the box.” Remember that new thought never begins in the center but rather comes from somewhere on the edge.
For Christians, 5th Day is the story of Simeon from The Gospel of Luke. Simeon holds the child Jesus and gives God praise. Then Simeon blesses Joseph and Mary and says: “This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many … and to be a sign that will be opposed so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed, and a sword will pierce your own soul too.” (Luke 2: 34–35)
It is the Path of The Holy Fool which allows The Christ within us to reverse our habitual behavior and understandings — to overturn our inner certitude and preference.
Today, literally play with an internal folly of thoughts and feelings. Reverse your habitual sense of what you sense is true and see what new insights about your life may arise.
In the creative process, it is not the usual or habitual thinking that births the new. Rather, creativity asks us to intentionally reverse what is usual.
Today, play with an inner reversal of your habitual thoughts and patterns. See what fresh insights arise.
Blessed Day of Reversal — Holy Feast of The Fool — Merry 5th Day of Christmas!
How might you celebrate the Fool?